Monday, September 6, 2010

Fried Rice with Eggs, Chicken and Chorizo

I have a small problem with eggs.
I can't stand eating eggs, I just hate the way they taste. My mother, however, insist that I eat eggs, so I had to find ways to make them tasty.
That's how I came up with this recipe.

You'll want to get:
-1 cup of white rice
-2 cups of water
-2 eggs
-1 handfull of chopped chicken
-1 chorizo 
-soy sauce (both the sweet and the "normal" kind)
-vegetable oil

First of all, wash the rice and put it in a pot with the water. Let the water boil, then put the heat down and let it simmer for about 20 minutes.

While the rice is cooking, peel the chorizo and crumble the sausage.
Then heat some vegetable oil in a pan and throw in the chicken. When the chicken is close to done, add the chorizo and after about 20 seconds, the rice.
Stir the whole thing for some time, then crack the eggs and add them to the rice.
Now, stir quickly, to make sure the eggs mix well with the rest. This way, you won't taste them.

Stir for about 1-2 minutes, then add soy sauce to taste. First the sweet one, then the other one.
Serve hot and enjoy non-eggy eggs!

1. You can use leftover rice. In fact, this is the perfect way to use up some leftovers.
2. I don't like onions, but this dish probably tastes even better (to the rest of the world), if you just toss some chopped onions into the oil before adding the chicken.
3. If the chorizo is tough, you can cut it into small pieces, but usually it's enough to cut of the "crust" and tear apart the rest with a knife and a fork.
4. This tastes great in a lot of variations as well. You can easily leave away the chorizo, for example, or replace the chicken with some beef or maybe add some scallions,...